«Le monde est constipé. Nous avons besoin de faire des vidanges. Faten Rouissi (Tunisie)» and other Tweeted Links…
"Le monde est constipé. Nous avons besoin de faire des vidanges. Faten Rouissi (Tunisie) #DakartBiennale https://twitter.com/Benin_cultures/status/465234237063696384/photo/1
L'étonnante installation de la tunisienne Faten Rouissi à @DakArtBiennale jusqu'au 9 juin au Village de la Biennale. https://twitter.com/GuyRegiste/status/467630366543855616/photo/1
Emancipated Art, Tunisia Interventions on cars burnt during the Tunisian revolution. Faten Rouissi https://twitter.com/TheGardenPartyS/status/264733607971676160/photo/1
De Jokkolabs à la Sillicon Savannah ou Konza City: l’aventure d’étudiants du Sénégal | La Rédac' en parle http://redac.socialinput.fr/de-jokkolabs-a-la-sillicon-savannah-ou-konza-city-laventure-detudiants-du-senegal/
We are proud to announce that Athi-Patra Ruga is the 2015 Standard Bank Young Artist for Performance Art. #SBYA2015 https://twitter.com/another_africa/status/527168242872483840/photo/1
Graveyard Shift Sisters: An Interview With A Black Female Horror Academic http://www.graveyardshiftsisters.com/2013/10/an-interview-with-black-female-horror.html?spref=tw @shadowandact
"It's okay not to like someone; but, it is never okay to degrade, humiliate or dehumanize them." - @CoryBooker http://fb.me/6Okv2e5C3
In fact my life as a black women is negotiating political alliances with people who often don't give a damn about me except for exploitation
@Blackamazon what's interesting (and dumbfounding) is recognizing that most victims of patriarchy know nothing else but patriarchy...
@Blackamazon this in part explains why the French revolution ended up with Emperor Napoleon, why Black Panther freedom still could mean...
[]( "Asia Leeds [AsiaLeeds]") “@emannphd: On the policing of women academics' bodies and attire by @ProfFrancesca http://gu.com/p/42mht/stw #sexism #highered” #goodread
earliest age I can remember being street harassed by grown men is when I was 11 yrs old, in 6th grade. had a long walk to & from school bus.
[]( "Free My Mama [LaDariusT_]") These Hoes Be Admiring Beyonce And Nicki Minaj But Don't Know Who Angela Davis Or Bell Hooks Are.
THE BURDEN OF HER MEMORIES (2004) http://www.raycaesar.com/gallery/2004 my 2005 notes: https://kintespace.com/rasxlog/?p=158 @liberatormag https://twitter.com/KinteSpace/status/528222849883185153/photo/1
Watch Astronaut: The Last Push Online | Hulu @kharypayton http://www.hulu.com/watch/621606
"The Last Push" Science-Fiction Festival Review - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AecxPOE2Qw
Most working class thinkers are intimately oppressed more by the middle class overseers than by the 1% leisure class.
The Talented Tenth is what you get when Negros refuse to be African again in pursuit of fine linens and the white man's fancy alcohol.
If WEB Du Bois were alive he'd probably explain to you that The Talented Tenth is an ironic infinite middle class tragedy; not our saviors.
I don't understand what Jesse Williams is trying to do in his appeal to white folks' morality. It's been tried before. It doesn't work.
#MessageToAllBlackPeople How is it that this was not covered on ANY major media outlets? #PeepGame http://youtu.be/A1JdE1M36ao
Pinterest's seventh employee on being black in Silicon Valley http://zite.to/1tGHCvM
Please appreciate my project "THE UNDA // An Interactive Installation" at the bottom of the page :) https://www.behance.net/gallery/20663553/THE-UNDA-An-Interactive-Installation
#Japan used to be a cautionary tale, but the rest of us messed up so badly it almost looks like a role model instead http://nyti.ms/1wKCZks
What can we learn from Gen Y’s view of money? http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2014/10/29/what-can-we-learn-from-gen-ys-view-of-money/ via @feedly
Americans Are Working So Hard It’s Actually Killing People | The Nation http://www.thenation.com/article/186425/work-speedups-have-consequences-boss-never-imagined
Bye-bye, burgers: New fast-food chains bet on healthy eating cc: @boxcargrocer http://zite.to/1xOTRpn
These maps of California's water shortage are terrifying http://www.motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2014/10/caliifornia-groundwater-withdrawal-china-india-middle-east via @motherjones
Dear old Kurt! Vonnegut on kindness and the life-changing power of great teachers http://buff.ly/1rGFGxW https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/528245290734977025/photo/1
too many “art of conversation” guides are about not having a conversation, a bias toward interview or lecture ---or orthogonal bow shots
How the stereotype of the mad-genius scientist does a disfavor to the mentally ill http://buff.ly/1tpqeKM Same in art http://buff.ly/1tpqcCr