“The Other Side of Diversity” and other Tweeted Links [feat. @alwaystheself]
[]( "EricaJoy [EricaJoy]") I just published “The Other Side of Diversity” https://medium.com/this-is-hard/the-other-side-of-diversity-1bb3de2f053e?source=tw-53c8178fa4e6-1415117372060 My life, my truth.
[]( "Alkasim Abdulkadir [alkayy]") Baby Aisha, lost both parents, while fleeing #Bama #Maiduguri #IDPs shes been adopted by this woman. https://twitter.com/alkayy/status/530288820823265280/photo/1
Weapons of choice for mothers: 1. Irrational confidence 2. Versatility 3. Family 4. A touch of madness. 5. Imagination.
Women - you'll now be 'working for free' for the rest of the year thanks to a widening pay gap http://ind.pn/13Dhc4p https://twitter.com/Independent/status/529625616875024385/photo/1
White Supremacy emerged from a context of oppression in Europe: people who came to define themselves as white first oppressed each other.
White indentured servitude & violent oppression of white women by white men all pre-date the massive use of Africans for chattel slavery.
It's important to not get this twisted: white indentured servitude was not as horrific as chattel slavery - but it was pretty horrific.
Million Masks March 2014: Thousands gathered for anti-capitalist protest in London http://ind.pn/10Wm4AI https://twitter.com/Independent/status/530353757868269569/photo/1
If whites do not view classical slavery (eg whites owning each other) as a great moral evil, how could they see the evil of chattel slavery?
If white men do not see the evil of patriarchy & the oppression of white women, how could they recognize the evil of oppressing black women?
@alwaystheself yes, and Roman civilization was founded on enslaving a lower 'caste’ of indigenous Europeans, effectively slavery...
Downward mobility on the rise for the first time in generations http://ind.pn/1xbJvBS https://twitter.com/Independent/status/530354640689577984/photo/1
Understand that much of what you view as anti black racism originated in patriarchy.
@alwaystheself “morality” itself is largely the pretentious window dressing of what we try to write today as “MAAT.”
@alwaystheself Europe has always been about fighting over limited natural resources and calling that “human nature” - it's patriarchy.
@alwaystheself patriarchy is a means by which a poor people become a “rich” people, it's “universal” in that sense of foundational poverty.
Only good news: Voters passed Proposition 47 & California is now the first state to end felony sentencing for simple drug possession. #vote