“[@chescaleigh] Black teenage boys are 21X more likely than their white counterparts to be shot by a cop.” and other Tweeted Links…
Black teenage boys are 21X more likely than their white counterparts to be shot by a cop. #Ferguson (via @upworthy) http://www.upworthy.com/the-truth-about-the-ferguson-case-that-some-people-really-cant-accept?g=2&c=ag
[]( "Asia Leeds [AsiaLeeds]") Lynching is a U.S. institution. It's the fourth branch of the U.S. government.
Exactly!!! https://twitter.com/BlkHistStudies/status/537251212123709440/photo/1
The arrests last night started when a state trooper LIFTED a woman ACROSS the line by her neck and slammed her on the ground. Then we moved.
[]( "DarkSkintDostoyevsky [daniecal]") Wasting ur breath. No one as adept at subordination and white paternalism as a black male athlete @brownandbella @DeionSanders
CNN: we're just gonna keep reading what Darren Wilson said over and over like its fact and compare everything else to that.
'Kill them before they grow'? #France's black justice minister slams #US police killings http://bit.ly/1vJitTp https://twitter.com/STForeignDesk/status/537218045161140224/photo/1
Fuck all u hypocritical white folks whos ready2 go2 war when some1 kills a white American abroad but expects us2 be cool while we get killed
The obsession with "wondering what MLK would say" precludes hearing anything the people on the ground RIGHT NOW are actually saying.
white supremacy serves no function but to sustain itself, recessive gene caucasoids constantly defending themselves against their extinction
Apparently the Bhagavad Gita influenced certain aspects of Shuttle in the Crypt, Soyinka's prison poems.
"What age is a black boy when he learns he's scary?" There are so many black parents who have to break this to their sons tonight.
[]( "Petty LaBelle [d_Sassy1ne]") My 7 year old son just said: "Don't worry mom. If we want to live, we just have to stay home". I'm turning off my tv. My heart just broke
Black Girls Hunger for Heroes, Too: A Black Feminist Conversation on Fantasy Fiction for Teens | Bitch... http://tmblr.co/Zub9pw1WP0jYA
So Boston Public Schools called homes of 7th graders+above to discourage "violence" re #Ferguson. Totally offensive. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/11/22/robocalls-bps-student-households-urge-demonstrations-peaceful-after-ferguson-decision/u43b5N3iCfq2li5sMYy27J/story.html
[]( "cutie j [babygossamer]") White people out here saying that calling them mayo is racism but when a 12 year old black boy gets shot they're fighting for the shooters
Sick of hearing people telling the protestors to be peaceful. How about telling law enforcement to stop the violence? #Ferguson
[]( "Asia Leeds [AsiaLeeds]") We talk about #IdaBWells and lynch law in class today. Timely.
The Greatest Love Song Ever / Stevie Wonder’s Key of Life » http://lib.mg/1AEo8rz https://twitter.com/liberatormag/status/536372911439745024/photo/1
Post racial police work. RT @bendreyfuss: Michael Brown “looked like a demon” to Darren Wilson http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2014/images/11/24/darren-wilson-testimony-snippet.pdf https://twitter.com/bendreyfuss/status/537106960853008384/photo/1
When black people actually owned their communities guess what happened? Whites burned them down. Fuck yo Walmart.
Study: White People Think Black People Are Magical http://nym.ag/1xTOeXi via @thescienceofus
It's sad watching people trying to stalk & copy your path, rather than walk it alongside you, when you struggling yourself to carve one out.
Watch Trailer for Artist Kara Walker’s Documentary ‘An Audience’ http://bit.ly/1y5BtKn https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/536925123908210688/photo/1
AWAKE: The Life of Yogananda TRAILER - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdnrP1fMn7I&list=UUkTfq0mIERmAh5jfbq1-krQ
I've learned to never hold my breath waiting on justice....
How to Do Nothing with Nobody All Alone by Yourself – lovely vintage guide to self-reliant play and joyful solitude http://buff.ly/11qwpo3
White people started this. No one can end racism except them. It's not up to black people to eradicate something we didn't start.
“@hifructosemag: Empowered, soulful portraits of African American women by @TimOkamuraArt: http://hifructose.com/2014/10/07/strength-and-soul-in-new-works-by-tim-okamura/ https://twitter.com/hifructosemag/status/519664672920698880/photo/1” :)
Pioneering artist James Webb on what sounds could represent, & how those meanings change with context + presentation http://bit.ly/1xX9lsD
@JustMuteMeNow you could also sprinkle some hemp protein in the oats while they cook...
@KinteSpace ooooo that’s a good idea!!