“10 Things We Learned From George Clinton’s Astounding Autobiography” and other Tweeted Links…
10 Things We Learned From George Clinton's Astounding Autobiography http://www.rollingstone.com/music/features/george-clinton-autobiography-things-we-learned-20141205 via @rollingstone
Age is not a predictor of maturity or wisdom
"Rooms have sound—a note, if you will. My living room is an E, and to a lesser degree an A-flat..." http://lib.mg/1vCHiuq
Visual artists in South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Ghana & Kenya btwn 21 to 35 seeking art residencies apply --> http://www.absalatelier.co.za/competition.aspx
We gon bring Soul back (the African kind). #GoodSpeeches #27 #ComingSoon
Astro-Blackness, Mar 12 & 13 2015, Los Angeles, California; be there (NOTE: it's an academic conference, not a con.) http://jijennin70.tumblr.com/image/98107325290
i recently met several writers who were writing stories specifically to submit for writing prizes.
Vonnegut’s 8 rules for a great story http://buff.ly/1FOAGkC
What Our Tech Giants Should Learn From Chinese App Design http://www.wired.com/2014/12/surprising-ideas-chinese-frontier-ui-design/
Report: Los Angeles Has More Garbage Than It Can Handle http://bit.ly/1u4Sal5
RT @JOJOinthe310: Then the cops forced us onto the sidewalk and I knew #ciclavia was over. https://twitter.com/JOJOinthe310/status/542268953607667712/photo/1
They're hoping that their next generation, their children, will be able to live above ground" http://n.pr/1s2ZMto https://twitter.com/NPR/status/541790120903704576
Daughters of the Dust » http://lib.mg/15RWuz8 https://twitter.com/liberatormag/status/541106243612340224/photo/1
A lot of women are looking for something that doesn't exist or for something they can't recriprocate #OYMBYOYL
How can we ever truly empathize with others if we constantly suppress what we truly feel?
Women, insecurity and money: Overcoming the confidence gap http://shar.es/13tEN7
Wal-Mart prices black, white Barbies differently http://www.cnbc.com/id/102254173
Five Ways to Exercise Boundaries at Work During the Holidays http://techb.ro/1zvbaPe /via TheCubicleChick
Einstein on the fickle nature of fame and the true rewards of work, in a newly released letter http://buff.ly/1D6Pg90 https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/542529417902555136/photo/1
Sophisticated DNA tests reveal new theories on human migration and the origins of Europeans http://hvrd.me/FBfMV
Just because you can't figure out how ancient civilizations built stuff, doesn't mean they got help from Aliens.
The phrase, “I am white but I am not a racist,” is still not considered contradictory in the 21st century.
@thesoulasylum being called “white” should be offensive to Euro folk, like all Germans called “Nazis”... they can stop this
The Unbearable Lightness of Being White – beyond the brilliant title, a brilliant piece by @courtwrites http://buff.ly/1COM3Lb
Dear allies: Colorblindness is not progress. Why? Because the absence of color is white. And in the US, white has always been the default.
"Self Hatred and the Effects of White Supremacy Psychological Warfare" by Amos Wilson http://youtu.be/99uGz_xMuKw
This is why I encourage Black parents to love their children fiercely and defiantly. Bring forth more life and fight to preserve it
a child can learn how to concentrate and focus when concentration and focus is affectionately on the child
[]( "Mad Black Woman [MadBlackWoman]") From ‘Black Power’ To ‘Black Lives Matter’ | Here & Now http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2014/12/05/black-lives-matter
recent events remind us that what is typical and ordinary for Black people in America is DEATH - strive to be a-typical and extra-ordinary