“The secret to the Uber economy is wealth inequality” and other Tweeted Links…
"The secret to the Uber economy is wealth inequality" Thank you, @lmirani: http://qz.com/312537/the-secret-to-the-uber-economy-is-wealth-inequality/
Thoughts on Cuban Hip Hop Being Used to Overthrow the Gov't http://hiphopandpolitics.com/2014/12/16/thoughts-cuban-hip-hop-used-overthrow-govt/
Racialized acct of artworld in anonymously penned article Blacked Out in the Art World http://hyperallergic.com/166855/blacked-out-in-the-art-world/ via @hyperallergic #mustread
"Self Hatred and the Effects of White Supremacy Psychological Warfare" by Amos Wilson http://youtu.be/99uGz_xMuKw
It is spiritual work being an anti-racist black in loving connection with non-blacks when your heart is heavy with grief over anti-blackness
To change things you have to formulate a plan that must continue with your children and completed by your grandchildren.
The Belief That Career Success Can Make Us Happy Is the Central Illusion of Our Time http://chrisguillebeau.com/central-illusion-of-our-time/
In 2007 the VP of information security at Sony Pictures bragged about their lax security because studios aren't banks http://www.cio.com/article/2439324/risk-management/your-guide-to-good-enough-compliance.html
guardian: US colleges are paying their presidents like CEOs and... http://guardian.tumblr.com/post/105350962843
Black Artists Get Wikipedia Pages at Last, Thanks to an Edit-a-Thon http://www.laweekly.com/informer/2014/12/16/black-artists-get-wikipedia-pages-at-last-thanks-to-an-edit-a-thon via @laweekly
Stevie Wonder welcomes baby No. 9 http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/news/local/~3/iGywSvJk8qQ/story01.htm
The Surreal Sci-Fi Farms That Grow Most of Our Food http://feeds.wired.com/c/35185/f/661370/s/417d0570/sc/38/l/0L0Swired0N0C20A140C120Csurreal0Esci0Efi0Efarms0Egrow0Efood0C/story01.htm
[]( "African Proverbs [AF_Proverbs]") Words are sweet, but they never take the place of food. ~Ibo proverb
‘Let’s face it: we’re in over our heads. We need the white folks to come back.’ @Chimurenga_SA http://chimurengachronic.co.za/in-over-our-heads/
Cops use taser on woman while she recorded arrest of another man http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/12/cops-use-taser-on-woman-while-she-recorded-arrest-of-another-man/
Comment: Racism Reinscribed Onto Black Male Bodies In The Guise Of Social Reform In A "Colorblind, Raceless Society" http://www.blackstarnews.com/us-politics/justice/comment-racism-reinscribed-onto-black-male-bodies-in-the-guise-of
Dude blocked me?!😜Why wld I follow u @Bobbyh214? To go under ur troll bridge & into ur doomsday bunker for the year's supply of Slim Jims?
How the police have changed over the past 50 years http://bit.ly/1J3NuWL
[]( "BlackInformant [BlackInformant]") The top 5 constitutional law trends http://ow.ly/GaIqs
The Stream - The price of a degree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w76Yd4_C4NY&feature=youtube_gdata
[]( "zee [saracenic]") The most powerful point @AZEALIABANKS made was the one about black history ONLY being seen as reactionary to white influence
Poker: Betting On Black http://www.blackstarnews.com/sports/others/poker-betting-on-black.html
This Company Is Paying Nigerians to Learn Computer Programming http://feeds.wired.com/c/35185/f/661370/s/4194d7e8/sc/36/l/0L0Swired0N0C20A140C120Candela0C/story01.htm
"Best Spec Fiction of 2014:If there’s an (unintentional) theme 4 the best spec fiction I read this year, it’s Africa" http://adammorganauthor.com/2014/12/19/best-speculative-fiction-of-2014/
[]( "African Proverbs [AF_Proverbs]") It is an irresponsible adult that creates enmity because of a disagreement that arises between two children. ~Nigerian Proverb
A Look at Ten New Releases for 2015 http://bookshybooks.blogspot.com/
Stalking in Japan http://youtu.be/ehbNJoxhkG8
Assata Shakur: What Does New U.S.-Cuba Pact Mean for Exiled Black Panther Wanted in New Jersey? http://www.democracynow.org/2014/12/19/assata_shakur_what_does_new_us
See Fifteen Pages of Kyle Baker’s Brilliant Comic ‘Nat Turner’ @MaronzioVance http://www.vulture.com/2008/07/comics_nat.html
Rise of the Graphic Novel: everything you need to know about the comics field in 70 pages [2012] http://boingboing.net/2012/12/29/rise-of-the-graphic-novel.html
Black history basics: there was no police force as we know it in the U.S. South until legal slavery ended.
Black history basics: Ida B. Wells was the first investigative journalist in the U.S. - she found lynching was destroying Black business.
Black history basics: a young du Bois wrote THE PHILADELPHIA NEGRO seriously thinking he could reason with whites with scientific data.
Black history basics: the U.S. constitution was obsessed with the enslavement of human beings, making Africans the center of attention.
Black history basics: a liberal wealthy white middle class is most “sympathetic” to Civil Rights issues -Republican revolutions killed it.
Black history basics: the U.S. had something to prove to the Soviet Union so it would respond somewhat to Civil Rights - no more USSR, kids.
to eliminate racist thought is the equivalent of converting all whites to some serious Buddhism can you handle that guru kid?
Afro-self-destruction is not based on a "free" adult decision: it is of an adult enslaved by a childhood of enslavement.