“Bill Duke’s ‘Dark Girls’ Follow-up, ‘Light Girls,’ Gets 1st Trailer” and other Tweeted Links…
Bill Duke's 'Dark Girls' Follow-up, 'Light Girls,' Gets 1st Trailer & Release date (on OWN) http://blogs.indiewire.com/shadowandact/bill-dukes-dark-girls-follow-up-light-girls-gets-a-first-trailer-release-date-heading-to-own-20141222 https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/547232703662551040/photo/1
They think this is a new day and that racism is old and tired and that respectability is the answer because that's what they were taught.
It was really important. But the burden of whiteness is this: You can live in the world of myth and be taken seriously.
The people living in Romania's sewers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I_MTVT_hDk&feature=youtube_gdata
White supremacy is why Black children think there is something special about going to school with White children.
This entire piece, entitled "This Is How We Date Now," is a painfully accurate look at dating in 2014. http://thoughtcatalog.com/jamie-varon/2014/12/this-is-how-we-date-now/
...They are still missing. https://twitter.com/Nnedi/status/547808035221954560/photo/1
first rule of patriarchy club: don't talk about patriarchy
South African Space Agency http://youtu.be/SQ_xv8KfRdc
Blender production 'I will Escape' debuts next week on Steam http://www.blendernation.com/2014/12/15/blender-production-i-will-escape-debuts-next-week-on-steam/
kehinde wiley paints women of haiti http://superselected.com/kehinde-wiley-paints-the-women-of-haiti/ https://twitter.com/ethiopiennesays/status/546420135515660288/photo/1
[]( "Le Sauce [CaesarLani]") I remember my grandmother saying "Babylon nah care 'bout we" I didn't get it then , but I get it now .
Autopsy shows US police shot unarmed black man in back http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579330/s/41ddccc1/sc/6/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cworldnews0Cnorthamerica0Cusa0C113169840CAutopsy0Eshows0EUS0Epolice0Eshot0Eunarmed0Eblack0Eman0Ein0Eback0Bhtml/story01.htm
I respect Protest, I really do. Unfortunately, they don't stop Black People from being killed by Police. Never have in American History.
I grew up in 1980s Compton at the height of a crack epidemic and gang crime--I've never heard of a black man pointing a gun at a cop.
Wonder if white defenders of police brutality notice how ridiculous they sound trotting out the same excuses every 28 hours.
People are unwrapping drones for Christmas and it's not going so well http://www.theverge.com/tldr/2014/12/25/7449183/drones-for-christmas-presents
Head to Head - Inequality: Are the rich cashing in? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNeGadtnUJo&feature=youtube_gdata
PIMCO fires fund manager after exchange fines him for improper trades http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/news/local/~3/sD6i5XSKU1g/story01.htm
Ice Cube Debuts Trailer for N.W.A Biopic in Sydney. Watch Fan-Recorded Unveiling http://blogs.indiewire.com/shadowandact/ice-cube-debuts-trailer-for-nwa-biopic-in-sydney-watch-fan-recorded-unveiling-20141229 https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/549606187311071232/photo/1
Egypt & Morocco Ban Ridley Scott's 'Exodus: Gods and Kings' for Historical Inaccuracies http://blogs.indiewire.com/shadowandact/egypt-morocco-ban-ridley-scotts-exodus-gods-and-kings-for-historical-inaccuracies-20141226 https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/548509478526914560/photo/1
The word “scientist” was coined for a woman – Mary Somerville, born on this day in 1780 http://buff.ly/1roi7R2 https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/548524193693040640/photo/1
Namibia's sterilization without consent http://youtu.be/x3j_4ODgKcI
Major corruption investigation launched in Israel http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579330/s/41c09241/sc/1/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cworldnews0Cmiddleeast0Cisrael0C113128110CMajor0Ecorruption0Einvestigation0Elaunched0Ein0EIsrael0Bhtml/story01.htm
Kim Jong Un To The Rescue: Sony And The Sociology of Racism http://www.blackstarnews.com/us-politics/justice/kim-jong-un-to-the-rescue-sony-and-the-sociology-of-racism.html
Will Africa Produce the “Next Einstein”? http://feeds.wired.com/c/35185/f/661370/s/41e2dfc8/sc/36/l/0L0Swired0N0C20A140C120Cwill0Eafrica0Eproduce0Enext0Eeinstein0C/story01.htm
2014 Kinda Sucked: A Look at Our Slow Descent Into Dystopia http://feeds.wired.com/c/35185/f/661370/s/41e81064/sc/7/l/0L0Swired0N0C20A140C120C20A140Eyear0Ein0Edystopia0C/story01.htm
Crowdfund This: Vet Brit Filmmaker Menelik Shabazz's Fresh Look at Male/Female Relationships http://bit.ly/1D5Jhxx https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/550338999769124864/photo/1
too many women are ill informed about the lives of other women -and too many of the other women prefer it that way
Women are allowed to ignore any man they choose @askcheyb. I know it's hard for you, being perpetually ignored, but it's true.
Open Mind: The Black Republican http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL-m1qe8AzI&feature=youtube_gdata
Interview: Anime soundtracker Yoko Kanno on Cowboy Bebop, Macross Plus, and More http://www.redbullmusicacademy.com/magazine/yoko-kanno-interview
a sister with an African kitchen has never denied me a meal -but she is often overwhelmed by her processed-food-eating counterparts
Drink spiking: What you need to know about Britain's hidden epidemic http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579330/s/41df1eb1/sc/38/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cwomen0Cwomens0Elife0C113171610CDrink0Espiking0EYou0Eneed0Eto0Eknow0Eabout0EBritains0Ehidden0Eepidemic0Bhtml/story01.htm
The Ebola outbreak was political — just like every disease outbreak http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/30/7466989/the-ebola-outbreak-was-political-just-like-every-disease-outbreak
City lights viewed from space show cultural, tech differences http://arstechnica.com/science/2014/12/city-lights-viewed-from-space-shows-cultural-tech-differences/