“BHM now a cottage industry that allows mainstream to continue to segregate Blackness from National narrative” and other Tweeted Links…
BHM now a cottage industry that allows mainstream to continue to segregate Blackness from National narrative http://newblackman.blogspot.com/2013/02/love-in-stacks-some-thoughts-on-black.html
[]( "Styles. [FiveFifths_]") Black history month starts on January 1st & ends on December 31st.
In Honor Of Black History Month, I'm Gonna Need The Walking Dead To Refrain From Killing Any Black Characters This Month. 7 Days ??????
[]( "Kyleesha [ForeverKy_]") Black History Month ?? https://twitter.com/ForeverKy_/status/562006365280161795/photo/1
Happy birthday to politicism and activist Wangari Maathai, the first black woman to win a Nobel Prize! https://twitter.com/kailanthropy/status/562001000614363136/photo/1
White people had always seen us as bodies, not minds, but segregated Black schools protected against that. Integration opened it back up.
Scientist considered father of birth control pill dies at age 91 http://abc7.com/news/scientist-considered-father-of-birth-control-pill-dies-at-age-91/499446/
The case for evidence-based policymaking in Washington http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/news/local/~3/52bVYmaoNYo/story01.htm
Before Uber revolutionizes labor, it's going to have to explain these embarrassing emails http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/30/7948619/before-uber-revolutionizes-labor-its-going-to-have-to-explain-these
Aircraft worker had retirement lined up -- and then the boom came down http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/news/local/~3/nFN6hb13tIo/story01.htm
Using iPads to pacify children may harm their development, say scientists http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579330/s/42eb4be9/sc/14/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cscience0Cscience0Enews0C113827110CUsing0EiPads0Eto0Epacify0Echildren0Emay0Eharm0Etheir0Edevelopment0Esay0Escientists0Bhtml/story01.htm
#Arabia Two Saudi women in jail since 1st Dec for driving.Michelle Obama unveiled. What is the most important issue? https://twitter.com/Clarencewoman/status/560814292589506561
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has been appointed the new chairman of the African Union http://aje.io/pw7n https://twitter.com/AJENews/status/561251567106797569/photo/1
My mom's Bajan husband is trying to convince us coconut water doesn't taste like armpit & feet sweat.
Southern Telecom is terrrrible https://megafunk.wordpress.com/2015/01/31/southern-telecom-is-terrrrible/