“If You Missed PBS’ August Wilson Doc, ‘The Ground on Which I Stand,’ Watch It in Full Now!” and other Tweeted Links…
If You Missed PBS' August Wilson Doc, 'The Ground on Which I Stand,' Watch It in Full Now! http://blogs.indiewire.com/shadowandact/if-you-missed-pbs-august-wilson-documentary-the-ground-on-which-i-stand-watch-it-in-full-now-20150221 https://twitter.com/shadowandact/status/569240865534824448/photo/1
As Ebola Outbreak Slows, World Health Body Shifts Focus http://www.blackstarnews.com/global-politics/africa/as-ebola-outbreak-slows-world-health-body-shifts-focus.html
Jazz Saxophonist Branford Marsalis: Jay-Z Doesn't Know What He's Talking About http://www.sacurrent.com/sanantonio/jazz-saxophonist-branford-marsalis-jay-z-doesnt-know-what-hes-talking-about/Content?oid=2397963
"What it Feels Like to Be a Black Professor" by @johnljacksonjr. Negotiating "one disrespectful dismissal to another" http://tinyurl.com/lwssxsd
New York’s First Black Female CPA Dies http://www.blackstarnews.com/money/small-business/new-york%E2%80%99s-first-black-female-cpa-dies.html
What Is the Future for Modern-Dance Companies? http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/future-modern-dance-companies-paul-taylor?mbid=rss
in the pro-indigenous context, literacy means understanding with intimate mastery the symbol systems of Europeans while remaining cultured
“The objectives are the total destruction & devastation of their settlements & the capture of many prisoners" -George Washington on Natives
“This unfortunate race...have by their unexpected desertion & ferocious barbarities justified extermination." -Thomas Jefferson on Natives
Abraham Lincoln signed the order to execute 38 of my Dakota warrior brethren in Mankato 1863, the largest mass execution in US history.
“Nothing is more certain than if tribes do not become civilized, that they will decline, & become extinct." -Pres. James Monroe on Natives
President Andrew Jackson was called an 'Indian Killer.' He signed the Indian Removal Act that caused the Trail of Tears. Thousands died.
[]( "ESP [Trelaire1st]") Women are different these days..they aren't the traditional women our mothers and grandmothers were.
Researcher: we expect too much of our marriages today, partly bc digital social networks actually narrow our bonds http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/The-Marriage-Hack-Eli-Finkel-at
“One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of attention.” - Jim Rohn
The difference between routine and ritual, and why a full life requires both http://buff.ly/1JmzQkj https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/567360538876055552/photo/1
Growing up black in Britain: 1950 to 1990 http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579330/s/437221b0/sc/38/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cculture0Cphotography0C1140A92560CGrowing0Eup0Eblack0Ein0EBritain0E1950A0Eto0E1990A0Bhtml/story01.htm
Ethiopia tipped for tourism surge http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/africaandindianocean/ethiopia/11402638/Ethiopia-tipped-for-tourism-surge.html
Auto traffic in Los Angeles? It's been stressful from the start http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/news/local/~3/JBSRE4AZSyI/story01.htm
A Simple Strategy to Prevent Feeling Overwhelmed and Over-committed http://entm.ag/1Kj6IHr via @Entrepreneur
Satellite radio is so bad. Audio quality embarrassing. Listen to a channel for a week and you have heard every song they will ever play.
Programmer IS A Career Path, Thank You | DaedTech http://www.daedtech.com/programmer-is-a-career-path-thank-you
MT @Variety The "Uberization" of technology is destroying jobs and killing creativity http://variety.com/2015/voices/opinion/technology-has-turned-ideas-into-a-part-time-occupation-1201431582/ https://twitter.com/Variety/status/566575114188099585/photo/1
V cool. @ICPhotog is showing off its collection of African American vernacular photography. http://icphoto.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/johnedwinmason/status/567372980804943872/photo/1
England's most influential poet (you've never heard of) http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/579330/s/438327f9/sc/38/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cmen0Cthinking0Eman0C114199460CEnglands0Emost0Einfluential0Epoet0Eyouve0Enever0Eheard0Eof0Bhtml/story01.htm
Palestinian children feel security lash http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MID-02-160215.html
must listen: Chuck Vinson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Vinson on #JustKillingTime #147 http://maronziovance.podbean.com/e/just-killing-time-147/ @MaronzioVance
The History Of Lynching In America Is Worse Than You Think, Says Study http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/10/history-of-lynching-us-worse_n_6656604.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000047
[]( "African Proverbs [AF_Proverbs]") The tears running down your face do not blind you. ~Togolese Proverb
Do tell me what “black on black crime" has to do with a police officer or vigilantes choice to kill one of us? @SaucySisTah @jadore_jamar @
Support the Dallas 6 http://scidallas6.blogspot.com/ @MumiaAbuJamal http://prisonradio.org/media/audio/mumia/dallas-six-238-mumia-abu-jamal
[]( "Mari Matsuo [Mari_Matsuo]") As Study Finds 4,000 Lynchings [in <75 yrs] in Jim Crow South, Will US Ever Address Legacy of White Terrorism? http://www.democracynow.org/2015/2/11/as_study_finds_4_000_lynchings
An Intimate Look at the People and Places Behind ‘Made in China’ Labels http://www.wired.com/2015/02/intimate-look-people-places-behind-made-china-labels/
Study: 8 Million Metric Tons of Plastic Dumped Into Oceans Annually http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/QIkVEeSH5W0/story01.htm
Syma X5C Quadcopter Drone Test Flight: http://youtu.be/hxRjUH-9pU8 via @YouTube
Why you will stop eating tuna http://ow.ly/3x8Luf #health #pollution #fish #mercury https://twitter.com/Alex_Verbeek/status/567011471880904704/photo/1 via @Alex_Verbeek
there was a brief moment in hip hop when the worst thing one could be called on record is a "sucker mc" @MrChuckD
she had to deal with the golf-course people too #wolfofwallstreet
I get so in my feelings about Basquiat. Can't even talk about it.