“frenchiedee includes Gayl Jones!” and other Tweeted Links…
frenchiedee includes Gayl Jones! http://youtu.be/qaxMg1pEjpY
Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane / At Carnegie Hall » The Liberator Magazine http://lib.mg/1MBoJWa https://twitter.com/liberatormag/status/583367100871266304/photo/1
Ujamaa Reunion: 18th c. economists Ricardo & Malthus declared Earth's resource insufficient » http://lib.mg/1EXTADe https://twitter.com/liberatormag/status/535616885811720192/photo/1
Ethiopian freedom fighters. Second Italo-Ethiopian War aka Second Italo-Abyssinian War, circa 1935-36. https://twitter.com/HistoryHeroes/status/584189605424992256/photo/1
California in Worst Drought in at Least 1,200 Years http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zzf439rknnQ&feature=youtube_gdata
Contaminated water issue in California reaches new heights - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-6x9K7tH9o
“The entire population of America cld fit into Texas w/ more than an acre for each household to enjoy” @TheEconomist http://lib.mg/1BTZmEC
"Design Rules" #bbc http://youtu.be/-WX5UjI8IoA
The 80s began a plan to eradicate black elders from those younger. They already succeeded to reduce leaders.By year 2000 you had new genfolk