“Fitzgerald and the Jews” and other Tweeted Links…
Fitzgerald and the Jews [newyorker.com]
finally working on the next version of [kintespace.com] [nothing visually major] [codepen.io]@another_africa@liberatormag
@KinteSpace @liberatormag movement is power
Therapy is not just a white person’s occupation — why we need more black psychologists [blavity.com]
The link between sugar and depression [explore.brainpickings.org]
This documentary exposes truths on race, gender and sexuality in our criminal justice system [blavity.com][twitter.com]
'African traitors!' Chad dictator trial in Senegal has a chaotic start [telegraph.co.uk]
You have to hear this impactful conversation about race with Nelson Mandela’s grandson [blavity.com]
when we call someone Black we mostly refer to how they are treated/regarded -not who this one is politically, or soulfully
Reflections on Our Obsession with "Calling Out" Cultural Appropriation [forharriet.com]
#darkgirls Some of these mother daughter interactions are bordering on child abuse. NO WONDER YOUR CHILD HATES HERSELF!
Internet Dating Scams Target Older American Women [tech.slashdot.org]
Thank Donald Trump For Exposing How Racism Defines The Republican Party [blackstarnews.com]
The thugs never wanted to fk with the 5% nation because it was a nation NOT a gang.The USA LAW backs black on black crime. It feeds industry
Top 10 Ways Your Privacy Is Being Invaded (and Sold, Traded, Auctioned, Analyzed, Repackaged, and Retargeted) [wired.com]
The dark truth about sexual harassment in our Armed Forces [telegraph.co.uk]
Rhinos get camera implants to deter poachers [theverge.com]
The mobile web sucks [theverge.com]
Africa is a country, Europe is an economy, China is a factory and America is a superpower.
The Shocking Numbers that Reveal Just How Burnt Out American Workers Are [alternet.org]
Diop on Mossi Constitutional Monarchy [songhaysystem.com]@medievalpoc
US-Sudanese poet @mafiasafia is "fascinated by the erasures that happen under colonialism" [bbc.co.uk][twitter.com]
Beloved poet Nikki Giovanni on love, friendship, and loneliness http://buff.ly/1e8bmgd[twitter.com]
Haile Gerima: "my films are imperfect" [youtube.com]@megafunkmega
No dialogue - just 2 hours of robots & monsters clashing, please! [twitter.com]
Music Foundations Tutorial - Chord Theory Part 1: Chord Inversions w/ Ma... [youtube.com]
US Wins Math Olympiad For First Time In 21 Years [news.slashdot.org]
negritos feliz con Bugatti [youtube.com]@megafunkmega