
Naomi Klein Envy

Buy this book at!Too many educated Negroes who grew up in New York have some childhood story to tell featuring some kind of envy for some kid who went to Hebrew school. They are crippled in awe by the level of Jewish organization and Hebraic respect for academic achievement. It’s great to admire the constructive problem-solving skills of the so-called “other”—but it’s another thang when you have to degrade yourself and your heritage to do it. So when Naomi Klein comes along, I’m wondering whether these Negroes will blindly join in the “anti-Semitic-Jew” accusations slandering her.

My forlorn hope is that my New York folks will have some healthy Naomi Klein envy. So when our “LIBRadio Sampler: Doctoral Warriors for the African Mind” featuring psychologist Dr. Amos Wilson is just too, too much for our real-world coloreds, Naomi Klein’s deceptive soccer-mom airs might just be the ticket to consciousness. In “Naomi Klein: From Think Tanks to Battle Tanks” this is what Naomi Klein is packing in her alleged suburban mini-van:

  • The realization that democracy is segregated from capitalism—making democracy a second-class concept under capitalist power.
  • The research that shows that The War on Terrorism is a private enterprise, designed to enrich an elite.
  • The historical accounts in China, Poland, South Africa and Latin America that show how true democracy was saddled by capitalist obligations (like debt obligations) and turned into sharecropping on a massive scale.
  • Examples of how the “developing world” is not allowed to “develop” without the help of elite benefactors.
  • A direct shout out to the lack of confidence and conviction in those who claim to oppose The New World Order. She is very politely and nicely calling most of you punk-ass, milk-toast rubes who only wish to fight with same murderous proxy weapons as the enslavers (emphasis on the word wish).This may seem lightweight and on the late freight to a student of Gerald Horne but her book should make a great holiday gift to your punk-ass, Negro friends. And these people outnumber me by the millions. So let’s get started!
