
Aaron Anderson: Doctoral student in Literature?

Allegories of a Red Hot Angel: PoemsWe are pleased to present poetry by Aaron Anderson here in the kinté space. I’m going to group Aaron Anderson with these poets:

But three things happened that changed the “game”:

  • One: Poets age. I am sure that many young poets see the kinté space as “old fashioned” and the old ones either have their solo web sites, a ‘generic’ site like—or the cruelties of imperial hard knocks forced them off the Internet entirely.
  • Two: sites like came along and attract younger poets who came of age during the poetry slam era.
  • Three: the invention of Blog software. This was huge. I am pleased to see young poets like Rethabile Masilo of Poéfrika using the Blog format. My guess is that about 2005 or 2006 was when the majority of artsy people and the bulk of African Americans really started to flood online through Blog sites. Buy this Book at! All of the presentations on are hand picked. The process is almost curatorial and is extremely slow even for me. I recall apologize to more than a few of these 40 people for having to wait—sometimes years—before appearing online. I understand how the young cats out there have no sense of the novelty of just being online.

The habit of contacting people over a series of years encourages me to unearth a few interesting tidbits about people. Case in point: Aaron Anderson: Doctoral student in Literature. Is this the same Aaron that published with us? The reason why I am intrigued is because Aaron was listed in 2004 as “a student of film and literature studies at UCSC.” I assume that he was an undergrad in 2004 and now he’s about to get his doctorate. Congratulations!


Aaron Anderson, 2009-01-02 19:28:55


My name is Aaron Anderson. I published with you back in 2004. I do still read your website and I noticed you'd posted a questions about me.

Truth: I graduated with a B.A. in film and literature from UC Santa Cruz in 2004. I earned an M.A. from the same place in Literature in 2006. Since then, I've been working on my doctorate at UC San Diego. Just a couple of years left.

Hope all has been well at the Kinte Space.


Aaron Anderson, 2009-01-02 19:29:34

Oh, you don't need to actually publish that last email. I just couldn't find an email address to contact you through.
